Brig. Gen. Randy Lau
Land Component Commander

Brig. Gen. Randy Lau is the Land Component Commander, Nevada Army Guard. Lau was commissioned a Second Lieutenant through Kemper Military Junior College in 1995 and joined the Nevada Army Guard in 1996.
From 1996 to 2012, Lau was assigned to the 1st Squadron, 221st Cavalry and deployed as the Squadron Operations Officer to Afghanistan (2009 to 2010). Lau also held command of the Nevada Army National Guard’s Recruiting & Retention Battalion (2012 to 2015); Director of Army Personnel (2015 to 2016); Director of Nevada’s State Partnership Program (2017 to 2019), establishing a new partnership with of Fiji in 2019. Lau was selected as the 79th Infantry Brigade Combat Team (IBCT) Commander, California Army National Guard, from 2021-2022.
In 2022, he transferred to the 40th Infantry Division as the Division G3, deploying with the 40th Infantry Division to Camp Arifjan, Kuwait (2023-2024) as the G3 and as Chief of Security Cooperation.