Home : Wellness & Support : Force Development : Joint Mentoring Program


Mentoring training is a vital component of the Nevada National Guard’s Joint Mentoring Program. This training is designed to provide information about the benefits of mentoring, mentoring do’s and don’ts, and strategies to define the relationship between mentors and mentees. The training provided will benefit mentors, mentees, leaders, managers, and supervisors.

Program Benefits

Organizational Benefits from Mentoring:

  • It positively impacts all organization levels.
  • Enhances Performance: Teams improve as members increase in competence, awareness of personal biases, etc.
  • Increases Organizational Knowledge: Increased understanding of your role and its importance to the mission.
  • Fosters Commitment: Mentoring increases the understanding and acceptance of values and goals. It increases engagement, alignment, and retention. It helps participants to feel they are an integral part of the organization.
  • Supports Recruitment: Mentoring promotes the organization as the employer of choice because it shows commitment to its people and the employer of choice because it shows commitment to its people and their personal/professional development.
  • Facilitates Leadership Development: Mentoring facilitates knowledge transfer of culture, values and other key components.
  • Improves Succession Planning: Increase use of agency's Human Capital planning and succession development efforts - helps establish the talent bank.

Individual Benefits from Mentoring:

  • Sharpen management / leadership / interpersonal skills.
  • Increase connectedness and teamwork.
  • Builds awareness of personal biases, assumptions, and areas for improvement.
  • Increase self-awareness and self-discipline - mentoring encourages the individual to grow beyond usual expectations.
  • Positive and constructive feedback on professional and personal development areas.
  • Improve technical competence.

Mentor Benefits from Mentoring:

  • Personal satisfaction in helping someone grow professionally.
  • Learning from the Mentee
  • Building new Relationships
  • Developing your skill as a “teacher”—helping someone clarify their career goals.
  • Developing your skill as a “guide” – helping someone navigate the waters of the organization.
  • Developing your skill as an “advisor” – helping someone find their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Receiving recognition
  • Future payoffs

Mentee Benefits from Mentoring:

  • Access personalized and relevant support, feedback and advice.
  • Learning from the Mentor
  • Improve confidence and motivation.
  • Improve problem-solving, critical thinking and self-directed learning skills.
  • Gain deeper understanding of the workplace.



CSM Zell Johnson (Army)

702-290-8665 | zell.f.johnson.mil@army.mil 

CMSgt Chris Barber (Air)

775-560-1539 | christopher.barber.1@us.af.mil

Ms. Karen Ulan-Goll (Civilian)

702-480-1851 | karen.j.ulan-goll.civ@army.mil