Command Chief Master Sgt. Cameron M. Pieters
Nevada Guard Senior Enlisted Leader

Command Chief Master Sergeant Cameron M. Pieters is the Command Senior Enlisted Leader, Nevada National Guard, Carson City, Nev. He is the principal advisor to The Adjutant General and leaders on enlisted matters influencing the health, morale and professional development of Nevada National Guard Members.
Chief Pieters began his career as an Aircraft Mechanic in the active duty component in 1991, before transferring to the Nevada Air National Guard. After years as a traditional guardsman, he cross-trained as a C-130 Flight Engineer. He has served as the Noncommissioned Officer in Charge of the 192d Airlift Squadron scheduling and the 152nd Operational Support Squadron Flight Training sections. He went on to become the Superintendent of the 152nd Operations Group Standards and Evaluations section, where he served as a Flight Examiner. He additionally served as the Nevada Critical Infrastructure Protection Program Systems Planner, and Assault Planner, as well as a Battle Noncommissioned Officer in Charge, Joint Operations Center, JFHQ Carson City, Nev.
Chief Master Sergeant Pieters has deployed numerous times flying missions during contingency operations such as; IRAQI/ENDURING FREEDOM, CORONET OAK and INHERENT RESOLVE. His Domestic Operations experience includes Hurricane Katrina relief missions, Operation Jump Start border patrol support, and Modular Airborne Fire Fighting System missions. Chief Pieters supports the Department of Homeland Security conducting vulnerability assessments on Critical infrastructure nation-wide. He remains current and qualified as a C-130 Flight Engineer, instructing and evaluating Aircrew members for worldwide deployment. Prior to becoming the CSEL he served as the 152d Operations Group Senior Enlisted Leader where he was the principal advisor to the Operations Group Commander.