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What is Integrated Primary Prevention?

Integrated Primary Prevention is a holistic approached aimed at preventing harmful and violent behaviors in the military community. Integrated Primary Prevention are activities that address multiple harmful behaviors into a cohesive, comprehensive approach that promotes unity of effort, avoids duplication, and lessens training fatigue.

Primary prevention is stopping a self-directed harm and prohibited abusive or harmful act before it occurs. Primary prevention can be applied to an entire group or population (universal primary prevention) or to individuals, groups, or populations that are at particular risk of harm (selected primary prevention).

  • Prevention activities will build resilience and promote well-being for all members of the military community.
  • Prevention activities will be tailored to address the unique needs of Service members.
 Primary prevention activities can target:
  • Influencers, such as leaders who set a climate and shape norms, but may not be present when abuse, assault, or self-directed harm may take place.
  • Bystanders, who may be present when abuse, assault, self-directed harm take place.
  • Individuals, who may commit abuse, assault, or self-directed harm.
  • Individuals who may be affected by abuse, assault, or self-directed harm.

 Integrated primary prevention is a commander’s tool for readiness and promotes healthy and safe climates that increase retention.



  • Integrated Primary Prevention Program (IP3)
  • Integrated Primary Prevention Workforce (IPPW or PWF)
  • Integrated Primary Prevention Officer (IPPO)
  • Primary Prevention Specialist (PPS)
  • Prevention Integrator (PI)
  • Comprehensive Integrated Prevention Plan (CIPP)
  • Command Climate Assessment (CCA)
  • Commander’s Ready & Resilient Counsel (CR2C)
  • Community Action Team (CAT)/Community Action Board (CAB)


  • DoD Memorandum, Commencing DoD Actions and Implementation to Address Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment in the Military, 22 September 2021
  • Independent Review Commission on Sexual Assault in the Military: Outcome Metrics Evaluation Report, May 2022
  • DoD Prevention Plan of Action 2.0, 1 May 2022
  • DoDI 6400.09, DoD Policy on Integrated Primary Prevention of Self-Directed Harm and Prohibited Abuse or Harm, 11 September 2020
  • DoDI 6400.11, DoD Integrated Primary Prevention Policy for Prevention Workforce and Leaders, 20 December 2022, Change 1, 4 April 2023
  • Senior Leader Toolkit to Understanding DoDI 6400.11, May 2023